Why a blog?

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I’ve worked in both the public and private sector primarily as a software engineer, security engineer or sys admin. Lately, I’ve been working with AWS as a cloud service provider to create applications for my customers. I’ve been an AWS ProServe Partner as well as interviewed for public sector offers from Google and Microsoft. I’d like to document my journey in learning the AWS, Azure and GPC Platforms. In addition, I’ll blog about CyberSecurity, SaaS, Homelabbing, Data Science and Machine Learning as these are all areas of interest.

I am planning for this blog to be a companion to my Youtube channel (tbd), where I will have a blog post with a written version to share various resources. I look forward everyday to continuing to grow my skillset and I look forward to learning in public with you. I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you have suggested topics, please feel free to leave a comment.

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